Solange Charas is a board director, senior-level HR executive and adjunct professor. Her advisory work focuses on assisting organizations optimize their investments in HR programs. She has deep experience in all areas of HR, consulting to both management and boards on appropriate strategies utilizing innovative approaches. She specializes in human capital metrics, using an analytical approach to understand the return on human capital investment and the effectively deploy human capital in the organization.
Dr. Charas’ PhD research focused on new approaches to select, develop and manage passionate high-performing interdisciplinary teams, and their impact on corporate financial performance. Her research on board teams has been published in academic and practitioner journals including International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, HBR and The Corporate Board. Her current research is on the impact of C-Suite “team quality” on corporate financial performance.
Resume - Dr. Charas
Dr. Charas has served as both a C-suite executive and senior level consultant. From 1999 to 2007, she held the top HR position at Praetorian Financial Services Group, now part of QBE, Benfield, now part of Aon, and EuroRSCG. As a consultant, she worked for firms as Hay Group where she was a Senior Consultant, Ernst & Young as a Senior Manager, and Arthur Andersen as a National Director. She is currently the President of Charas Consulting, Inc., which she formed in 2000.
Since 2011, Dr. Charas has served as an Adjunct Professor at Touro’s Lander College for Women, teaching Industrial Psychology and Team Dynamics. Since 2007, she has served as a Director to Able Energy on the Audit Committee and as the Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
She is a frequent speaker on Management topics, and has been published in various professional and academic venues including Harvard Business Review, The Conference Board’s Director Notes, The Corporate Board Magazine and the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. She has appeared on Bloomberg for Small Business.
Dr. Charas has a BA from UC Berkeley, an MBA from Cornell University and a Certificate of Negotiations from Harvard University. She received her Ph.D. in Management from Case Western Reserve University; her dissertation focused on developing the TQ™ methodology to quantify and predict the impact of Board and Top Management teams on corporate financial performance.